As a hardware engineer in electronic design, level conversion is a topic everyone must face. The main chip pins use 1.2V, 1.8V, 3.3V, etc., and the external interface chip uses 1.8V, 3.3V. , 5V, etc. Because the level does not match, level conversion is necessary. Every engineer has his own set of conversion schemes. Today we will summarize the six level conversion methods, and summarize various advantages and disadvantages to avoid unnecessary troubles in the design process. Note : All links in the text are pages or posts explaining related knowledge. Hope you don't mind! and don't miss the great content! All of them are from an excellent website called Apogeeweb which can be very helpful for learning about electronics and semiconductors. Level conversion method Below we will evaluate from the five dimensions of speed, drive capability, leakage current, cost, and the number of channels. 1) Transistor level conversion method; 2) Dedicated level conversion chip; 3) Current-lim...